Cheesy Microwave Sweet Potato Mash (easy recipe!)

6 Min Read

This awesome microwave sweet potato dish is sure to be a winner! It will make a great weeknight dinner, or how about a tasty side dish on tapas night with friends?

Taking the humble sweet potato we’re adding in some savory flavors like onion, garlic, oregano, and cumin to really contrast its amazing sweetness.

Easy microwave sweet potato mash!

Sweet potatoes are a brilliant root vegetable. They are full of nutrients, making them a much healthier option compared to regular potatoes.

To begin with, they have 400% of the RDI of Vitamin A!

With 9 other vitamins and minerals on board, the health benefits of sweet potatoes are huge.

Once we have the potatoes and flavorings in a large pot with a little butter we’re going to cook over medium heat, and use a potato masher or potato ricer to make it nice and fluffy!

Top tip! The best way to pre-cook the sweet potatoes is by using a microwave. It cooks them in a short amount of time and makes them soft enough to add straight into the pot.

On a grey table sits a large white dish with parsley, onion, two eggs, butter, garlic, and herbs, next to a bowl of feta cheese and a bowl of cheddar cheese. Next to the dish are three sweet potatoes and a pepper grinder | Hurry The Food Up

There ain’t no mash like cheesy mash

Once the mash is cooking we’re going to add the remaining ingredients. An egg will really bring it all together. Then comes the best part – mixing in the cheese!

We’ve chosen a lovely mature cheddar (low-fat versions can usually be found at the local grocery store), and low-fat feta.

They’re both going to add flavor and the feta has a great creamy texture.

Once it’s all cooked through on low heat, it’s time to season with a little black pepper and serve straight away.

You can sprinkle over some parsley or cilantro before serving to give a pop of color to our microwave sweet potato mash and add the best flavor.

We really think this dish is great as it is, but if you want to try something different, a dollop of low-fat sour cream would be a great addition to the meal next time.

Or try a little chili powder for a bit of a kick! Got leftovers? Pop it in an airtight container for up to 5 days in the fridge!

Gluten-free, high-protein, and great for weight loss? Give it to me now!

This recipe is a great one for those who need or prefer to eat gluten-free.

And at under 500 calories per serving it is the perfect amount for a main course if you’re watching those calories.

One of the health benefits of feta is that it’s high in protein, and so are eggs luckily!

High-protein density is important in your diet because it can really help keep you feeling fuller for longer, which could aid weight loss.

Why not download your free 7-day high-protein meal plan for even more inspiration? It contains loads of delicious recipes that can help you reach your goals.


  • Grater
  • Cutting board
  • Knife


  • 1 lb sweet potato (peeled)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ tbsp butter
  • 1 tsp oregano, dried
  • ½ tsp cumin, ground
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • 2 oz mature cheddar (grated)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 oz low fat feta cheese
  • 1 handful parsley or cilantro leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Peel the sweet potato and pierce it a couple of times with a fork. Give it about 6 minutes in a 1000W microwave. Adjust as necessary.
    1 lb sweet potato
  • Thinly dice garlic and onion.
    1 onion, 1 clove garlic
  • In a large pan, melt the butter. Add the onion pieces and cook at medium-low heat until they begin to brown. After 2 minutes add the garlic.
    ½ tbsp butter
  • When brown, turn heat off and roughly mash sweet potatoes manually inside the pan with a masher or a fork.
    On a grey table sits a blue saucepan with cheesy sweet potato mash and a wooden spoon | Hurry The Food Up
  • Add dried oregano, cumin, salt and black pepper. Mix until incorporated over medium heat.
    1 tsp oregano, dried, ½ tsp cumin, ground, ¼ tsp black pepper
  • Whip an egg.
    1 egg
  • Add whipped eggs to the pan and cook, mixing, over low heat until fully cooked. Then add grated cheese and crumbled feta and fold into the sweet potato mash. Season with ½ tsp salt. Add extra salt per taste.
    2 oz mature cheddar, 2 oz low fat feta cheese
  • Serve immediately topped with parsley/cilantro leaves. Add fresh black pepper per taste.
    1 handful parsley or cilantro leaves, Salt and pepper to taste
    On a grey table is a birds-eye view of a bowl of cheesy mash with a second at the back. An empty blue saucepan and wooden spoon. To the right is a glass of water and some parsley | Hurry The Food Up

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