🌟 Welcome to Morterodepiedra, where we savor the flavors of both food and privacy! Your trust means everything to us, and we’re here to assure you that your privacy is as carefully curated as our recipes. 🍽️

Our Recipe for Privacy:

At Morterodepiedra, we collect only the essential ingredients to enhance your experience on our website. This may include your name, email address, and browsing activity. We promise never to over-season with unnecessary data or share your information without your consent. πŸ“

Cookies: Our Sweet Sidekick

Just like the perfect sous chef, cookies and tracking technology help us tailor your visit to Morterodepiedra. These bite-sized bits of data allow us to customize content, analyze traffic patterns, and serve up a deliciously personalized experience. Don’t worry, though – you’re always in control. You can adjust your cookie preferences through your browser settings. πŸͺ

Savoring Security:

Your data’s security is our top priority. We use state-of-the-art encryption and security measures to safeguard your information against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. While we strive to protect your data like the prized ingredient it is, we acknowledge that no system is 100% foolproof. πŸ”’

Links to Flavorful Finds:

Sometimes, we’ll sprinkle in links to other delectable destinations across the web. Keep in mind that these sites have their own privacy policies, so be sure to check them out before sharing any personal information. πŸ”—

Age Restrictions:

Morterodepiedra is a gourmet experience designed for adults. We don’t knowingly collect information from chefs-in-training under the age of 13. If you’re a parent or guardian and suspect your mini-gourmand has shared their info with us, please let us know, and we’ll swiftly whip up a solution. πŸ‘Ά

Stay Updated with Us:

Like a well-seasoned dish, our Privacy Policy may evolve over time. We’ll always keep you in the loop with any updates. Your continued use of Morterodepiedra after changes signifies your acceptance of our updated terms. πŸ”„

Questions, Feedback, or Just Hungry for More?

We’re here to chat! If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to swap recipes, drop us a line at info@morterodepiedra.com. We’re all ears and ready to serve up some delightful conversation! πŸ’Œ

Thank you for trusting us with your privacy as you embark on a flavorful journey with Morterodepiedra! 🌈